If anyone reads this blog (which I doubt because I don't have any followers, but I like doing it so...I keep doing it), you don't know that I LOVE Pretty Little Liars. I never really write about it - because this is like ranting for me and I only rant about things I hate - but this year's Halloween episode was so exciting that I have to. And there was something I noticed that I don't think anyone else noticed and I have to put it out there on the chance that someone will see this. So this entry won't be that long since it's only one thing.
There were plenty of things revealed in this episode and a lot of different clues that we could use to figure out who "A" is, but most of those have already been written about. I've looked through a lot of different articles to see if what I noticed had been written about and it HASN'T!! How no one could see this is beyond me, but alright. Let's get to it.
For a while now, fans of PLL have been talking about the theory that Aria is "A". No one can really explain her motive for this (except for the fact that Alison was going to tell Aria's mother that Aria's father was cheating on her, so Aria would have a reason to want Alison dead. But even that doesn't explain why Aria would want to torment Spencer, Emily, and Hanna), but you can't deny that there are a ton of clues that point to Aria. So, I've had my eyes peeled looking for more clues pointing to Aria. Tonight, I found a BIG one.
Aria is sitting on the train by herself, looking out the foggy window, when Adam Lambert comes over. He says that she doesn't look like she's having very much fun. They then have a conversation where she explains that she is having fun, it's just that her boyfriend couldn't make it so she's bummed about that. He then asks her name and she tells him, but the train is (I'm assuming here) passing another train and he can't hear her over the noise. She says her name again, but he still can't hear, so she writes her name on the foggy window. When she does, the first A in her name is written normally, but the second A is the one that got my attention. It was written exactly like "A" writes their nickname on notes or cards - anything that is handwritten.
This could mean a number of things, but I'm only going to go over the few easy answers: 1) Aria is "A"; 2) Someone very close to Aria (for example, Ezra) is "A"; or 3) The writers of the show want us to think that either Aria or someone close to her is "A". I'm going to tell you what I think.
I, sadly, think that Aria is a part of the A-team. There are just too many things that either point to her or make you think she may be "A". Let me tell you a couple of these clues, just in case you haven't come across them. In the intro to the show, Aria is the only one who shushes. At first, that didn't seem like such a big deal. All they did is just pick one girl to do it, right? I don't think so. In this show, you have to over-analyze everything. They could easily have done like New Girl does with their intro and switch between three or four different intros, but they didn't. This has to symbolize something, right? They've said
that we also need to pay attention to the season posters for clues, too. The first two season posters also only have Aria making the shushing motion she does in the intro to the show, but the season 3 poster is the one that everyone is really paying attention to. Aria has handcuffs around her ankles. I wonder why that could be...
Now for the big clues. I'm not going to list each and every clue that points to Aria on here, only the two big main clues. The first one is the "Black Swan Dress" theory. In "A's" room in the motel, we see a drawing of the Black Swan dress, supposedly the costume that "A" will be wearing at the masquerade ball. It's made of a black, feathery material and is worn with black heels and a black mask. We also see a girl at the ball with the same costume on. But... A while back, someone Tweeted Marlene King, the writer of the show, saying that Aria's outfit in the same episode - a truly ugly red and black checkered dress - was super ugly.

Marlene Tweeted back saying that there was a specific reason for Aria's costume and that it would all make sense in time. Ever since, people have been pouring over Aria's costume, trying to make sense of what Marlene said. Well, someone figured it out. If you go onto Google Images and look for "Black Swan poster", a poster for the movie Black Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis will come up. It shows a swan made of red and black checkered stripes, just like Aria's dress. Could it be that Aria is the one in the black swan dress?
The camera then turns to Ezra who looks up at Aria. The camera turns back to Aria, who says, "It was Noel Kahn."
The camera turns to Ezra yet again and he replies. What we're supposed to be paying attention to in this scene is the blackboard. When the camera turns to Ezra the first time, if you look just to the left of Ezra's head, you'll see the sentence, "It was A."
Then, when it turns to him the second time, he's moved just a little so that it now says, "But I was A."
This doesn't make much sense when thinking about the fact that it was Noel Kahn who wrote the message on the back of the car, but I think that is beside the point. I think the director was just trying to find a way to tell us that Aria is "A" with the blackboard, that way it wouldn't be obvious.
So, there are the main clues pointing toward Aria being "A". Now, onto my theory of the clue on the Halloween episode.
As I said, Aria writes her name on the foggy window and the second A is written just like "A" signs their A on handwritten notes. It's definitely done on purpose. After she writes her name on the window, Adam explains that he has another set to get ready for and that she better come watch. She says she will and he leaves. While this is taking place, you can see the Queen of Hearts watching them. Right after Adam leaves, the Queen opens a tiny compartment on one of her rings. It is filled with some kind of white drug that will knock someone out for a bit. The Queen walks over while Aria is looking out the window and pours the white drug into her drink. The scene ends.
After a while, Spencer goes looking for Aria because Garrett has just told her that Aria's dad was with Ali the night she died. Spencer finds Hanna as she's looking for Aria and Hanna comes with her. The two of them go to where Aria was sitting, only to find Aria's purse minus Aria. They happen to look up and see the spot on the window where Aria wrote her name...only her name has been erased, leaving only the first A visible - clearly a sign from "A" that they have Aria.
I think that Aria is "A" and that, by writing her name on the window with the second A clearly written just like "A" signs their nickname, she was broadcasting to the other girls and other people who want to know who "A" is that she is "A" - or at least one "A". The Queen of Hearts is another part of the A-team and saw that Aria was broadcasting who she was - the Queen clearly did not like this and decided to teach Aria a lesson. The message was loud and clear:
![]() |
DO NOT do that again... |
So, that's my theory. Any PLL fans see this? Comment and let me know what you think!
First off, I love your theory. Second, I want to add something I noticed after reading this. In the clue that you talk about from episode 1.12, yes there is a message saying I was A, but there is something else there that is only significant after this year's Halloween episode. A few lines below the A message, it says Tom and Daisy ... wasn't there a Tom in 'The Great Gatsby' ? Aria was dressed as Daisy from 'The Great Gatsby' this year. Both messages on the board are longshots but both cold possibly mean something. I could be pulling this out of the air here but if the Daisy references are connected then the writers are genius! What do you think?
ReplyDeleteYes, there was a Tom in The Great Gatsby. In that episode - ironically - they were going over The Great Gatsby in Ezra's class. So...maybe they want us to go back and watch that episode again. But... OMG!!! You may be on to something there!! In the beginning of the Halloween episode, Aria was talking about Ezra being Tom. What if they are both connected to "A"? What would be even greater would be if they were both connected to "A" but didn't know it... That would be crazy! Lol.
DeleteThat would be so weird but so cool!!! It would make sense though because A could have easily destroyed their relationship within the first 3 episodes but they're still together... I don't think A would just decide to be nice and overlook Aria's most obvious weakness. Omg I didn't even catch what she said about Ezra being Tom... but yeah I'm definitely going to watch that episode again because it's too weird that they put all this in there by coincidence... but I'd laugh so had if it wasn't connected at all :P
DeleteI don't know... it just seems odd, because this episode was two season before the Halloween episode... I just don't think they would have planned something like it out that much,
DeleteI don't think that they had they came up with this before the Halloween episode, but maybe they went back and looked at this and saw the Tom and Daisy thing and decided to put it in this episode. But, for the most part, I agree with you.
DeleteFirst of all, In the season 3 poster, the "handcuffs" are just part of her shoes, and I always thought that Aria was always they one with her finger to her mouth because she was "the" main character. Second, I don't think that the Queen of Hearts would "send her a message" I think that A has everything so worked out, that Aria wouldn't do that. Also, I've never heard the theory that Aria is A... It just doesn't make sense to me.... I don't know what I think about the black swan... because Melissa did confess to being the black swan... but i was wondering how Garrett got into the box with Aria...... Because it seemed like he wasn't there one minute and then there the next...
ReplyDeleteHow could handcuffs be a part of someone's shoes? Handcuffs on shoes would prevent someone from walking. That doesn't make any sense. Plus, handcuffs hurt, dude. I don't know if you've ever been put in handcuffs, but it's not fun, even when you're just playing with them. And how did you even find out that they are a part of her shoes? As for your Queen of Hearts thing... I don't know what you're trying to say there. I think you either need to elaborate or reword your sentence. Yeah, and even though Melissa confessed to being the black swan, she was only one type of black swan. Just because she was a black swan doesn't mean that she's the only black swan.
DeleteWell for the Queen of Hearts thing, I would think that if she was part of the A team, then she would be super committed... and it doesn't make sense that she would be telling Adam Lambert that she was A... It just seems like she is trying to make Aria look like A and is just making up reason. Every theory I've read about Aria being A just seems like they are making up reasons... And if you google PLL season 3 poster, you can clearly tell that they are her shoes...
DeleteInteresting theory but I have to backup Sarah here about Aria and the "handcuffs" around her ankles. Those are just the ankle straps from her shoes. They're the same color as the rest of the heel and even have studs.
DeleteI meant the season 2 poster, not season 3. My bad. I'm talking about the one where they are all dressed in black, sitting in a row on a black couch. It looks like they are in a library or something because there is a large bookshelf behind them. It also says, "The truth hurts...but can it kill?" You're looking at the PLL season 3 official key art poster, where they are sitting all in a row on what looks like a green couch in front of a wall with a giant "A" painted in red on it.
DeleteOh ok, I see which picture you're talking about. It's kind of hard to see what it is but I guess they could be handcuffs. I feel like they could just be part of her shoes but at the same time they're all in 100% black with absolutely no accessories except Aria...hmmm. I love the mystery but at the same time I just want answers already! I can't take it! lol
DeleteI think that Melissa was dressed as the black swan but the directors or whoever put Area in the other dress and said the black swan was A or something to do with it. They said one thing and then made one option really obvious to see who would catch on to the other option and when people did, everyone went crazy. Melissa said she was the black swan as in she was the one wearing the black feathered dress as a black swan costume but I think what the producers wanted was for everyone to look deeper. As for Garrett in the box... that's just creepy and I think he was probably there the whole time but Aria was picking too much to notice him at first... unless she was drugged again and it didn't show that she passed out again and then Garrett appeared... I don't really know what to think anymore but as long as Toby turns out to be good I'll be happy :)
ReplyDeleteThe writers of the show said in an interview that Toby really is a bad guy =(
DeleteNooooooooooooooooo :((((( my happiness just completely crumbled and died D: BUT at least Began Allen himself is still a good guy :) I guess that's technically better because he's real... there's hope! ... okay probably no hope but still :P
Deletelol I just notice... *Keegan ... autocorrect
DeleteLol. Well, even though they keep saying he really is a bad guy, you know how the writers and producers and such are: they tell you one thing, and then it turns out to be something else. So there is a little hope. I really hope that Toby is a good guy too because I just feel so sorry for him. He's been through so much; it would be really amazing if he could stay good throughout all of it. But we'll see =]
Deletein the season 3 poster, spencer hanna & emily's arms are all folded right over left but aria's arms are folded left over right.. look closely!