Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pretty Little Liars(as of 1/29/13)

Okay, I don't know about you guys out there watching Pretty Little Liars, but I'm...seriously peeved, to say the least. But...I think that's what the writers of the show want you to feel as of right now.

Let me start off with Spencer. I understand that she's...completely and utterly devastated. I honestly can't imagine what she's going through. I feel for her. I don't blame her for not telling the rest of the gang about Toby. But there was one thing that nagged at me in the last episode, Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno. We see Spence texting someone, presumably Toby. She asks the person she is texting if they would be willing to meet and they reply that they are. She then replies that she isn't supposed to be talking to this person and that no one else can know about their meeting.

At this point, I think everyone thought she was going to meet Toby, especially because of Spencer's breakdown scene in her car. Instead, we see her sit down in a booth, opposite a complete stranger. Turns out, the stranger is a detective, or at least someone who follows other people if you want them to, and finds locks to "A" keys. Yes, Spencer wants the guy to follow Toby to find out the location of the lock to the key Toby was so desperate to get back from Spencer.

This is what I don't get: why didn't anyone think of this sooner?

I realize that desperate times call for desperate measures, but her going to a detective has been one of the smartest things I've seen throughout the entire show. To be honest, the show was really starting to annoy me up until that point. Last week, I was a raving lunatic when Emily and Hanna willingly went into the creepy basement - with Aria passed out on the floor, no less - in front of Meredith. That was so obviously a trap!

Anyway, if they had hired a detective to follow even just one of the girls - our girls, the Scooby gang, if you will - then the detective might just be able to tell them who in the hell is following them around all day, listening for secrets. Gah!

The second thing about this situation that keeps bugging me is, if Spencer is so desperate to get over this "A" game that she would hire a detective to follow Toby, why isn't she getting him to follow Mona, too. As far as we know, Mona has been in on this since day one, so she should be the one being followed. She's closer to the real "A" than Toby. I realize that might be a lot for one detective to do, but, trust me, Spencer's family is loaded. She can afford another detective.

Now onto the only other thing I really want to talk about: Fitz and Aria. *sigh*

When are they not on the rocks? But I get a baaaaaad feeling about this one, guys. Ezra's behavior when they were saying goodbye said all the wrong things. He loves Aria; anyone with eyes can see that. Well, except in Jenna's case. O_o Anyway, the tears are what got my attention.

Guys don't cry. The only time guys cry is when they are really, really upset. I'm not saying this because I don't think men should cry. If they wanna cry, I honestly don't mind. I know I feel better after a cry sometimes. Wait, I'm getting off track. What I'm saying is that men are stubborn. They hate weakness because they are supposed to be the protectors; they can't afford to be weak. And they view crying as a sign of weakness.

So, that really said something when Ezra started to cry. I hope no one hates me for saying this - and please don't let me jinx it - but I have the feeling that Ezra isn't planning on coming back. He didn't have to say it verbally to get the point across; it was all in his body language. When Aria asked if she could call him, Ezra teared up and almost lost it, but regained his composure - not without difficulty - and kissed her on the head, all in a couple of seconds.

I'm gonna do a play-by-play for what I think is going on here:

Aria, talking to Ezra's back: "Can I call you?" 

Ezra doesn't answer for a moment. Instead, he looks at the ground, thinking. It's obvious that there is some sort of internal conflict going on.

Aria: "Ezra?"

Ezra tears up, puts his hand to his mouth and nose, and makes a sort of snorting sound, like he's trying to hold back a sob. That told me that he didn't want to leave Aria, that he still loved her. That this wouldn't be a short time apart. Again, some sort of internal conflict is happening. As quick as the tears started, they stopped.

Aria: "Ezra?"

Ezra wipes his eyes, fast, as if she wouldn't catch on. He turns around and, without making eye contact, says, "We'll talk soon." He then kisses her on the forehead. He hops in his car and takes off without a single look back.

He feels bad about something he has done or will do to Aria. That's why he won't make eye contact. Either that, or there is still some resentment towards Aria for keeping his son a secret from him. Now, what interested me the most was the fact that he kisses her on the forehead, not the mouth. In our culture, a kiss on the mouth is intimate. It's reserved for spouses, people who are in love with each other. A kiss on the forehead is something your parents or other older relatives do to show their affection for you. They love you, but they aren't in love with you. I won't elaborate on that; I think it speaks for itself.

So, could that be the end of Ezria? Could they already be split, without saying a word about breaking up? I'll just leave you with an old quote that gets me every time I read it:

"This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper "
                                   T. S. Eliot

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